
Inspiring movement: Piet Mondrian, painting and migration

painting, a dark red tree against a blue sky.

How Dutch artist Piet Mondrian's migration to Paris, London and New York was reflected in his art

Adrian Murphy (opens in new window) (Europeana Foundation)

Piet Mondrian is a celebrated Dutch artist, a pioneer of 20th century abstract art that the Netherlands is rightly proud of. But, in addition to being lauded as a Dutch artist, Mondrian could also be celebrated as an artist of Paris, London or New York.

Mondrian migrated several times. His style of art changed throughout his life, growing more abstract, coinciding with his movements and migrations to cities across Europe and the USA.

This blog will look at the life of Piet Mondrian with a special focus on his migration and his artworks.

black and white photograph of a house alongside a canal.
photograph, a plaque on a wall with text 'Hier werd Piet Mondriaan geboren 1872-1944'.

Pieter Mondriaan was born in Amersfoort in 1872. In his early years, he was inspired by his creative family. His uncle Frits was a landscape artist and designer who taught him painting, while his father encouraged him to become a drawing teacher.

artwork showing a farmhouse with thatched roof.

When did Piet Mondrian move to Amsterdam?

In 1892, Mondrian moved to Amsterdam to study at the Rijksacademie where he produced his first works as an artist. He often painted scenery around Amsterdam, and became known as a landcape painter.

painting, a windmill by a waterway with the moon shrouded by clouds in the background.

When did Piet Mondrian move to Paris?

In 1911, Mondrian moved to Paris, dropping an 'a' from his surnmame Mondriaan, to signal his departure from the Netherlands.

While in Paris, Mondrian became more aware of modern artists, including Diego Rivera and the Cubist style of Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque. These inspired him to change his painting style. He began to paint with a more limited colour palette.

painting of a dark red tree against a blue sky.

During 1914, Mondrian returned to the Netherlands to visit his ill father. Mondrian could not return to Paris because World War I broke out. He was forced stay in the Netherlands for the duration of the war.

During this period, Mondrian, along with a number of other artists including Theo van Doesburg, founded De Stijl (The Style), an artistic movement promoting abstraction. De Stijl artworks were simplified to vertical and horizontal compositions, using only black, white and primary colours.

artwork, a table and two chairs in room with panels of bright block colours on the walls and ceiling.

Mondrian returned to Paris in 1919. By 1920, Mondrian's now-famous grid paintings began to appear.

artwork with a red rectangle, a black rectangle and two intersecting black lines.

However, his paintings were initially not popular and did not sell well.

By the late 1930s, however, abstract art had become more accepted, and Mondrian was considered one of the foremost abstract artists.

artwork, black lines with a red square, a blue rectangle and a yellow rectangle.
artwork, black intersecting lines with yellow, red and blue rectangles.

Why did Mondrian leave Europe?

In 1938, with Nazi Germany on the rise, Mondrian left Paris for London.

After the the Netherlands was invaded and Paris fell in 1940, he left London for Manhattan.

Mondrian and his work became much more famous after his arrival in New York.

Since his days in Paris, Mondrian collected jazz records. In New York, Mondrian embraced the city's life to the full. Victory Boogie Woogie, often considered his unfinished masterpiece, reflects the vibrancy of New York life, Manhattan's grid-like street structure and the rhythms of jazz music.

diamond-shaped artwork with vertical and horizontal lines and blocks of colours, red, yellow, blue, black and white.

Mondrian died in New York in 1944, aged 71. Since his death, his paintings have become more famous, inspiring further artworks and Mondrian's place as a master of modernist art has been secured.